Dear friends,
You guys are amazing. Thank you for your incredible support of the The Yellow Table - for reading it, for spreading the word, and for encouraging me along the way. It has been such a joy to have a spot to share my stories and recipes, and to meet so many wonderful people. And, hopefully, as a result, you've been inspired to cook healthy, delicious meals and to spend more time around the table with friends and family. That is my vision for this blog.
It's been six months since the launch of The Yellow Table and we have some exciting things in store. But as we seek to make the site more user-friendly, we want to hear from YOU! I want this blog to be a place you come back to again and again for recipes and inspiration, so could you pretty please take a minute and let me know:
• What you love/dislike about the blog?
• What would you like to see more of – cooking techniques? healthy recipes? easy/quick recipes? entertaining tips? videos?
• Do you find the blog easy to navigate? (Why?)
• Anything else you want me to know...
You can post your feedback in the comment section below or email me at annawatsoncarl@gmail.com. Let me know if you are having problems posting comments – there could be some technical problem we need to fix!
Looking forward to hearing from you all!!
• What you love/dislike about the blog? I love the personal touch to every recipe/story you add! It helps me connect to the site as a viewer. The photos you share with each blog are unique and amazing ;) i feel like i can taste/smell
• What would you like to see more of – cooking techniques? healthy recipes? easy/quick recipes? entertaining tips? videos? I would love more cooking techniques:) easy/healthy ways to do veggies. I loves the take you use to do on few ingredients/low cost.. maybe some more like that. These are just ideas.. Cause frankly i love everything you have thrown out there... and my mouth waters.
• Do you find the blog easy to navigate? (Why?) I feel the site is easy to navigate and get around also.You have the titles up top. Maybe you can have an "index" page with an image and title so the viewer can just click on that one recipe if they are needing a quick option and are shopping at the grocery store.
• Anything else you want me to know... KEEP it up!! :) its fantastic and i am so proud to frequently market this site to others ;) and cook your meals to my friends and brag about my "NYC" friend!! haha.
Aw thanks Amanda!! SO helpful to get your feedback. You are so encouraging!! xo
I love the blog and have some new favorite recipes thanks to you (Tuscan white bean soup--yum)! Here are some thoughts on my favorite things about it and then one suggestion below.
- the straight-forward, seasonal recipes
- healthy for the most part, but I do appreciate a good indulgent treat, so would hate to see it ALL go super-healthy :)
- tips/links on where to buy tools that you use, like the crepe spatula I think you mentioned once
- tips on how to do things that us amateurs don't know, like how to remove pomegranate seeds. That helped me at Thanksgiving!
- ideas for unique dinner parties...I rarely host them, but they're inspiring nonetheless :)
- Travel posts and Q&A with chefs, etc.
Only suggestion: add an easier nav feature to find old posts. There are times when I go back to find a recipe I saw before and it's a little tough to find quickly. So maybe a topical list that gets more granular than just the "savory" and "sweet" options you already have (i.e. salads, desserts, side dishes, main dishes...it could even get more detailed with "starches," etc. since I'm sometimes looking for a specific type of side dish). The idea someone posted above about a recipe index would be great. Hope that helps!
Love your blog, as you know :) You are doing a great job girl!!
Have made several dishes, easy to follow. I agree with Katie (love healthy but not TOO healthy :) love my sugar!)
Not sure if there is a way to do this but sometimes I need help with "pairing" things together, Like if I am going to make fish - what should I put with it? Or Make pasta, what sides go well?
Also love budget friendly meals - we try to have people over once a week & I end up making soup cuz its easy to feed lots of people (& affordable)
my two cents. xo
Amanda, Katie, and Emily - THANKS for all the awesome feedback!! Love you girls :)
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